1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

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1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение VIGo » 15 ноя 2013, 17:56

Уважаемые любители Го!
В Исполком РФГ поступила следующая информация о новом командном турнире в Китае:

Regulations of the 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship
1. Hosts: Chinese Weiqi Association Guangzhou All-sport Federation
2. Organizers: Guangdong Chess Culture Promotion Association
Guangdong Dong Hu Qi-yuan
Guangzhou Weiqi Association
3. Co-organizers: Guangzhou Pan Yu Sports Bureau
Guangzhou Chess Institute
Guangzhou Yi Zhi Investment Consultant CO.,LTD
4. Title Sponsor: Pan Yu Chu Kong Steel Pipe CO.,LTD.
5. Date: December 19th ~26th,2013
6. Place: Guangzhou, China
7. Cooperation Website: qipai.org.cn
8. Media Support: More than 50 national media: Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Sports, CCTV, CNR, Yang Cheng Evening News, Guang Zhou Daily, The Southern Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily, New Express Daily, Information Times, GDTV, GZTV, TIAN YUAN GO TV, Sports Weekly, The World of Weiqi, etc.
9. Competition system:
1)3 players are allowed to register for each team. The order shall be determined before the technical meeting and can not be changed after the beginning of the competition. All countries and regions should submit the players’ list to Chinese Weiqi Association before Dec. 9th, 2013.
2) The participating teams are divided into three categories: Seeded teams, Wild Card teams and Non-Seeded teams.
a. 4 Seeded Teams: China, Japan, Korea and Chinese Taipei.
b. 3 Wild Card teams: China, Japan, Korea (players is 30 years old and above who won the international champions)
c. Non-Seeded teams: registration is limited to countries or regions.
3) Countries or regions which have registered Seeded teams or Wild Card teams will not have another team participating in the competition.
4) All countries and regions are allowed to register only one team, except for the seeded teams.
5) The results of teams having one or more professional players will not be considered in amateur group.
10. Competition Schedule:
Dec.19th All Day Registration of Non-Seeded Teams
Dec.20th 9:00-11:00 Qualifying Game Round1
13:30-15:30 Qualifying Game Round2
16:00-18:00 Qualifying Game Round3
All Day Registration of Seeded Teams and Wild Card Teams
19:00-20:30 Opening Ceremony
Dec.21th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 1
15:00-18:30 Ranking Game Round 2
Dec.22th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 3
15:00-18:30 Ranking Game Round 4
Dec.23th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 5
Afternoon Sightseeing
Evening Chess culture Banquet
Dec.24th 9:00-16:30 Semi-finals
Dec.25th 9:00-19:00 Finals, Closing Ceremony
Dec.26th All Day Departure
11. Competition Methods:
The latest Chinese Weiqi Rules will be applied in the competition. Whether the competition is held in 3 or 4 sessions will be decided on Dec.9th,2013 based on the number of registered teams by the organizing committee:
If number of registered Non-Seeded teams is more than 9, the competition is divided into 4 sessions, including qualifying game, ranking game, semi-finals and finals.
If number of registered Non-Seeded teams is less than or equal to 9, qualifying game will be canceled, and other sessions remain as scheduled.
1) Qualifying game: The Seeded teams and Wild Card teams will not participate in the game. Round Robin system is adopted with a total of 3 rounds. The time allowance is 30 minutes per player, followed by three renewable 30-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
2) Ranking game: The top 9 teams produced by qualifying game, together with Seeded teams and Wild Card teams are participating in this game. Round Robin system is adopted with a total of 5 rounds, and 2 rounds per day. The time allowance is 55 minutes per player, followed by five renewable 60-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
Awards for Amateur Group:
1st place: winning 3 rounds
2nd place: winning 2 rounds
3rd place: winning 1 rounds
The top 4 amateur teams in ranking game will be awarded according to the results of Semi-finals and Finals, and will not receive the prize of amateur group.
3) Semi-finals: Knock-out system is applied in the game. 1st place VS 4th place and 2nd place VS 3rd place produced from ranking game. The time allowance is 2 hour and 40 minutes per player, followed by five renewable 60-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
4) Finals: The winners of Semi-finals compete for 1st and 2nd place, and the other two teams compete for 3rd and 4th place. 3 players of each team will discuss and play the same game. A sudden death system is adopted with time allowance of 4 hour and a half per team. Each team is assigned with a separate study room.
12. Prize:
Total amount (before tax): 4,770,000~4,900,000RMB
The 1st place: 2,000,000RMB
The 2nd place: 800,000RMB
The 3rd place: 500,000RMB
The 4th place: 400,000RMB
Seeded and Wild Card teams failed to entering top 4 places are awarded with an invitation fee of 40,000RMB per person.
Prize for amateur group:
The 1st place: 100,000RMB
The 2nd place: 50,000RMB
The 3rd place: 30,000RMB
13. Entry Fee:
Each team is allowed to register 1 team leader, whose food and accommodation during the competition will be borne by the organizer. The cost of flight ticket is paid by themselves.
For off -staff person, the flights tickets, accommodation and food shall be borne by themselves. Standard of food and accommodation is to be determined. (Off -staff person refers to relatives of players, team followers, unofficially invited media and players or team leaders who arrive early than designated time)
14. Matters that are not covered above will be explained in further notice.
15. The right of interpretation of the rules rests with the Chinese Weiqi Association.

Как можно было бы подумать, речь идет о командном Чемпионате Мира. Однако после переговоров с руководством Международной федерации Го (IGF) было выяснено, что это все-таки турнир в первую очередь для команд профессионалов, которые и будут разыгрывать основные призы и звание чемпиона. Параллельно проходящий турнир команд любителей позиционируется руководством IGF как "International Goodwill event" и не является чемпионатом Мира. Кроме того, сила игры участников не является важным критерием для организаторов.
РФГ получила приглашение выставить любительскую сборную команду России, что мы и планируем сделать. Приглашаются все желающие, но приоритет будет отдан более сильным по рейтингу. Необходимые условия:
1). Личное желание выступать за СБОРНУЮ России (что накладывает соответствующие обязательства)
2). Иметь возможность самостоятельно оплатить авиабилеты до Гуанчжоу (а также понести другие расходы, связанные с поездкой - виза и т.д.)
Напоминаю, что все расходы участников с момента их прибытия в Гуанчжоу несут организаторы турнира.

Итак, заявки принимаются, пишите сюда или мне на Ем. Крайний срок подачи заявки - 22 ноября 2013.
С уважением,
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 319
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2013, 21:03

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение саттва » 18 ноя 2013, 13:47

Трудный конечно английский, переведенный с китайского)))

Нашел пока только это: "Each team is allowed to register 1 team leader, whose food and accommodation during the competition will be borne by the organizer. "
Оплачивают пребывание одного лидера команды.

Где про оплату пребывания игроков?
Два опасных заблуждения: "Если человек играет в го, ему можно доверять." и "Если человек сильно играет в го, он умен."
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Зарегистрирован: 23 окт 2013, 13:43

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение VIGo » 18 ноя 2013, 14:12

саттва писал(а):Где про оплату пребывания игроков?

Есть еще одно письмо - приглашение для Европейских команд:

Код: Выделить всё

The 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship will be held from 19 Dec. to 26 Dec, 2013 in Guangzhou city, Guang Dong province in China. The competition is composed of three kinds of teams: Seeded teams, Wild Card teams and Non-seeded teams. European players are invited to take part in this competition as non-seeded teams.

The organizer shall pay their accommodation and food during the event. Travelling expenses shall be borne by themselves.

We look forward to welcoming to you in Guang Zhou.
С уважением,
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Сообщения: 319
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2013, 21:03

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение breakfast » 26 ноя 2013, 06:22

Команды от Кореи:
1. Ли Чангхо, Чо Хунхен, победитель пары Ю Чангхек-Со Бонгсу
2. Ли Седоль, Парк Чонхан, Чой Челхан
Выставляют максимально сильный состав
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Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2013, 11:49
Откуда: Казань

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение Nata » 03 дек 2013, 11:52

Появилась новая уточняющая информация о турнире от Мартина Счастны. Честно говоря, я в полной растерянности, я просто не понимаю как можно не хотеть туда поехать... Даже не обращая внимания на призовой фонд, который обещает стать едва ли не крупнейшим в мире. Это возможность посмотреть, а может и поиграть с Ли Чангхо, Ли Седолем и другими действительно сильнейшими игроками мира. И в России нет желающих...

Dear all,

here are some news, although not all my questions have been answered till now.

A) About the prize-money for three wins, two wins, ... - here's the answer from the organizer:
" 16 teams will play 5 rounds in Swiss system, so there will be several
3 wins, and more 2 wins, and also several 1 win team, every 3 wins
team get 100.000 RMB, and every 2 wins team get 50.000......"

B) The organizer added one new point, a prize for "news about spreading Go in your country". Here's the official wording:
(Point 6) - new - of the announcement)

6)To improve the development of go culture in the world and enhance the cultural exchanges among different regions, an award of
Cultural Promotion is going to be presented by the organizing committee. All teams, except the wild card teams shall submit photos,
articles, video (English is used) of go cultural promotion in their countries or regions to compete for the awards.
Here's a comment on this point, which I got today (!):

The organizer in Guangzhou decided to have all materials sent by participating teams about development of Go around their countries
or regions demonstrated during the competition,. In order to have enough time edit all materials, organizer would like all teams submit their materials before 9th, December.


My private summary: As you see the tournaments in China now are used more and more for putting the topic "spreading Go worldwide" on the desc.
​So our agreement with CEGO is mainline ! It is by the way totally supported by China Qi-Yuan.

I know, it is not so easy to send documents within one week to China (please contact always the secretary, Ms. Zhang Wei), but I can't help. They will probably not only want to look at but also translate some things to chinese. I had the same problem with my papers I presented in Shanghai and Hangzhou.
On the other hand, you see, they are trying to find ways how they can support (besides prize-money) our development in Go in Europe. ​

​The two open points I asked for must be decided by China Qi-Yuan (Regions, one Pro per team). Frankly spoken - I don't expect any answer on this. Regions for China Qi-Yuan are Taiwan, Macao and Hongkong, probably nothing else. This is the political line under the view from Beijing. ​ ​And the "one Pro"-idea of mine is a compromise they probably don't like as well. So we should not count on any more changes.

I am very pleased to hear that Germany, Romania and Czechia will send a team. But with France, Ukraine and Russia it would be better.​

​Good luck !

Kind regards
Наталья Ковалева
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Сообщения: 139
Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2013, 13:01

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение Nata » 03 дек 2013, 15:05

Полная и самая свежая информация о турнире.

Regulations of the 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

1. Hosts: Chinese Weiqi Association Guangzhou All-sport Federation

2. Organizers: Guangdong Chess Culture Promotion Association
Guangdong Dong Hu Qi-yuan
Guangzhou Weiqi Association

3. Co-organizers: Guangzhou Pan Yu Sports Bureau
Guangzhou Chess Institute
Guangzhou Yi Zhi Investment Consultant CO.,LTD

4. Title Sponsor: Pan Yu Chu Kong Steel Pipe CO.,LTD.

5. Date: December 19th ~26th,2013

6. Place: Guangzhou, China

7. Cooperation Website: qipai.org.cn

8. Media Support: More than 50 national media: Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Sports, CCTV, CNR, Yang Cheng Evening News, Guang Zhou Daily, The Southern Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily, New Express Daily, Information Times, GDTV, GZTV, TIAN YUAN GO TV, Sports Weekly, The World of Weiqi, etc.

9. Competition system:
1)3 players are allowed to register for each team. The order shall be determined before the technical meeting and can not be changed after the beginning of the competition. All countries and regions should submit the players’ list to Chinese Weiqi Association before Dec. 9th, 2013.
2) The participating teams are divided into three categories: Seeded teams, Wild Card teams and Non-Seeded teams.
a. 4 Seeded Teams: China, Japan, Korea and Chinese Taipei.
b. 3 Wild Card teams: China, Japan, Korea (players is 30 years old and above who won the international champions)
c. Non-Seeded teams: registration is limited to countries or regions.
3) Countries or regions which have registered Seeded teams or Wild Card teams will not have another team participating in the competition.
4) All countries and regions are allowed to register only one team, except for the seeded teams.
5) The results of teams having one or more professional players will not be considered in amateur group.
6)To improve the development of go culture in the world and enhance the cultural exchanges among different regions, an award of Cultural Promotion is going to be presented by the organizing committee. All teams, except the wild card teams shall submit photos, articles, video (English is used) of go cultural promotion in their countries or regions to compete for the awards.

10. Competition Schedule:
Dec.19th All Day Registration of Non-Seeded Teams
Dec.20th 9:00-11:00 Qualifying Game Round1
13:30-15:30 Qualifying Game Round2
16:00-18:00 Qualifying Game Round3
All Day Registration of Seeded Teams and Wild Card Teams
19:00-20:30 Opening Ceremony
Dec.21th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 1
15:00-18:30 Ranking Game Round 2
Dec.22th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 3
15:00-18:30 Ranking Game Round 4
Dec.23th 9:00-12:30 Ranking Game Round 5
Afternoon Sightseeing
Evening Chess culture Banquet
Dec.24th 9:00-16:30 Semi-finals
Dec.25th 9:00-19:00 Finals, Closing Ceremony
Dec.26th All Day Departure

11. Competition Methods:
The latest Chinese Weiqi Rules will be applied in the competition. Whether the competition is held in 3 or 4 sessions will be decided on Dec.9th,2013 based on the number of registered teams by the organizing committee:
If number of registered Non-Seeded teams is more than 9, the competition is divided into 4 sessions, including qualifying game, ranking game, semi-finals and finals.
If number of registered Non-Seeded teams is less than or equal to 9, qualifying game will be canceled, and other sessions remain as scheduled.
1) Qualifying game: The Seeded teams and Wild Card teams will not participate in the game. Round Robin system is adopted with a total of 3 rounds. The time allowance is 30 minutes per player, followed by three renewable 30-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
2) Ranking game: The top 9 teams produced by qualifying game, together with Seeded teams and Wild Card teams are participating in this game. Round Robin system is adopted with a total of 5 rounds, and 2 rounds per day. The time allowance is 55 minutes per player, followed by five renewable 60-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
Awards for Amateur Group:
1st place: winning 3 rounds
2nd place: winning 2 rounds
3rd place: winning 1 rounds
The top 4 amateur teams in ranking game will be awarded according to the results of Semi-finals and Finals, and will not receive the prize of amateur group.
3) Semi-finals: Knock-out system is applied in the game. 1st place VS 4th place and 2nd place VS 3rd place produced from ranking game. The time allowance is 2 hour and 40 minutes per player, followed by five renewable 60-seconds overtime periods. Chinese and English are used for second reading.
4) Finals: The winners of Semi-finals compete for 1st and 2nd place, and the other two teams compete for 3rd and 4th place. 3 players of each team will discuss and play the same game. A sudden death system is adopted with time allowance of 4 hour and a half per team. Each team is assigned with a separate study room.

12. Prize:
Total amount (before tax): 5,000,000RMB
The 1st place: 2,000,000RMB
The 2nd place: 800,000RMB
The 3rd place: 500,000RMB
The 4th place: 400,000RMB
Seeded and Wild Card teams failed to entering top 4 places are awarded with an invitation fee of 40,000RMB per person.
Prize for amateur group:
The 1st place: 100,000RMB
The 2nd place: 50,000RMB
The 3rd place: 30,000RMB
Cultural Promotion Award:
Outstanding Contribution Award: 3 teams, 10,000RMB per team
Honorable Mention: 2,000RMB

13. Entry Fee:
Each team is allowed to register 1 team leader, whose food and accommodation during the competition will be borne by the organizer. The cost of flight ticket is paid by themselves.
For off -staff person, the flights tickets, accommodation and food shall be borne by themselves. Standard of food and accommodation is to be determined. (Off -staff person refers to relatives of players, team followers, unofficially invited media and players or team leaders who arrive early than designated time)

14. Matters that are not covered above will be explained in further notice.

15. The right of interpretation of the rules rests with the Chinese Weiqi Association.
Наталья Ковалева
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 139
Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2013, 13:01

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение breakfast » 04 дек 2013, 19:54

Для любительских команд
The 1st place: 100,000RMB
The 2nd place: 50,000RMB
The 3rd place: 30,000RMB

Стало (с форума ЕГФ http://www.eurogofed.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12):
a) 3 wins (in the final stage with 16 teams) --> 10.000 RMB
b) 2 wins --> 5.000 RMB (all teams with two wins get it !)
c) 1 win --> 3.000 RMB (all teams with one win)

Или кто-то нолик потерял, или правда призы в 10 раз уменьшили
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Сообщения: 1153
Зарегистрирован: 19 окт 2013, 11:49
Откуда: Казань

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение gleb » 05 дек 2013, 07:32

Александр, по ссылке в сообщении Мартина Штясны суммы отличаются на порядок от приведенных Вами:

-- About the prize-money for the amateur-teams and the related numbers of wins:
a) 3 wins (in the final stage with 16 teams) --> 100.000 RMB
b) 2 wins --> 50.000 RMB (all teams with two wins get it !)
c) 1 win --> 30.000 RMB (all teams with one win)

Не совсем понял ситуацию...
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Зарегистрирован: 22 окт 2013, 07:31

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение gleb » 05 дек 2013, 07:33

Может там была очепятка и ее впоследствии исправили?..
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Сообщения: 51
Зарегистрирован: 22 окт 2013, 07:31

Re: 1st ZHU GANG Cup World Team Go Championship

Сообщение HappyLook » 05 дек 2013, 08:08

gleb писал(а):Может там была очепятка и ее впоследствии исправили?..

Именно так. Мартин поправил своё сообщение на европейском форуме.
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Зарегистрирован: 17 окт 2013, 20:23


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